Spring has come and gone, summer half over and I have not written for a while. A lot of reasons and excuses for this, but most center on just being involved in life. I read my first post from August of last year and reflected on the changes in our lifes since that day. I remembered how easy and natural “The Decision” came to us. Our energy was like the flow of water running down a mountain side, selecting the path best suited for progress. We have hit a few “log-jams” along the way, but nothing that has stopped us. There have been a been a couple of times we said to ourselves “I can’t believe we are doing this.”, but, we have not once, regretted our decision.
The past year has been one of learning and growth. We knew a handful of people from our previous visits to the mountains, but none very well. These folks have become our friends and our circle has grown. We have been here over a year, watched the cycle of nature rotate through the seasons and have experience each with appreciation and respect for their uniqueness. Each provides a different view or perspective of the reality we have chosen. We are students of the master teacher, nature, and we have much to learn.
More will be revealed!
A kaleidoscope,
nature spinning on a wheel,
the cycle of life.