Well, I wanted to be untethered and am realizing one must be careful of what one ask for as one just might get it. I am feeling untethered in the way I imagine a ping pong ball must feel in the final game for the world championship. I am back and forth, sometimes a curve shot and sometimes a slam. It feels like game point and then an unbelievable save, high in the air one minute and almost on the ground the next. How will it end? I will have to stay tuned to see and believe me, the suspense is draining. So for relief, I look to nature for my answers.
I find hiking to have great therapeutic benefit, both in doing it and in thinking about it. Exercise, fresh air, healthy snacks, plenty of water and so many beautiful sights. Well, that is most of the time. Sometimes the trail seems to turn against you. Practically skipping along, sunshine warm on the face, a light and airy cool breeze on your body and then things get real.
The light fades as the trees start to replace the open field. Darkness sets in as the path goes deeper into the forest. The breeze falls off as the density of the trees and undergrowth replace the open air with a stillness; the type that is a sound in itself. The ground changes to softer dirt, mixed with rocks and tree roots. Next the trail becomes interspersed with little streams and small gullies where the water is running off of the mountainside. And then, sometimes you find the mud: squishy, slippery, mucky mud.
What to do at this point: go back, find a way around or go through. My wife and I always choose to go through. The lessons learned here are etched upon my mind. I am beginning to believe that everything you need to know about life can be learned while hiking in the forest and on a mountain trail. There are ups and downs. Sometimes the path is wide and easy while other-times it is dark and steep. Sometimes it is a walk in the woods while at others it is a struggle. And of course, there are times you just coast. But, no matter what, there will always be some mud to go through, somewhere along the path. This is the way it is.
We are passing through some difficulties on our present life journey. One could even say we are mired in the mud which is slowing our progress, but has not stopped us. Each trail leads somewhere even if it is to a dead-end. Each has valuable lessons about self, others and the world at large. It is realistic to expect mud at times. It is realistic to expect difficulties at times. What is important is how they are handled. Do I except them as they are or do I let them drag me down into defeat?
The answer seems to lie in acceptance of the way things are. Finding the balance is key to passing through the mud with my head aware of my feets progress as they pass though the muck, and if I slip and fall, I get up, brush myself off, and continue forward.
I have so much to be grateful for and for that I am so grateful.
The shade in the woods
Cast shadows covering all
Each sharing this gift.
Namaste Ya’ll