I have become very fond of my camera. Over the years I like to take pictures, but they were mostly just snapshot of family and the stuff I happened to be doing at the time. A few years ago Saskia got me a nice camera and I became a little more serious with my shots.
I mostly like to shoot nature and landscapes. People are okay but there is always ego involved when you want to take their picture. They need to fix their hair or their clothes or whatever. Kids are a bit better as they don’t care. The may be interested in what you are doing but they are not caught up in how they look..
Photography has changed the way I look at stuff. I pay attention in a manner I did not use to do. I find myself looking for shots even when I don’t have the camera with me.
Flowers and waterfalls are fun to shoot. They are just there and something is always interesting about them. I also like shooting birds. I notice a huge difference between the birds here in North Carolina and the ones in South Florida. In South Florida the birds, especially the large ones, seem to pose for the shot. A trip to the Everglades can provide a volume of work.
In North Carolina I find the birds harder to shoot. It is difficult to get close to them and they do not stay still for long. So, in some ways a good shot here is more satisfying, eventhough there seems to be less of them. The larger birds are even more difficult to photograph than the small ones. They are always a good distance away and always in motion. Maybe I have just not learned the proper way to approach them here.