January 2020! I was born in December of 1949, so technically my life has touched eight decades. I have much to reflect on at this point in my life and will continue to do so, but at the same time, I will keep looking forward. And, my motto going forward will be, “Doing Seventy in the Twenties.”
I changed the banner on this page. This is a picture of one of the sets of Tibetan Prayer flags we have outside our house. The idea of the flags is to hang them at a high spot. The colors represent the elements of nature. When the flags blow, they carry goodwill and compassion on the wind. These prayers are carried to the community and provide blessings. It is my prayer that as we enter this new decade, the winds of goodwill and compassion will spread through the world and all beings will have health, safety, well being and happiness.
When I look back over the years, I don’t remember ever making New Year resolutions. I think I will change that this year. I will do this by stating an intention. My intention is to be more focused.
I want to focus more on photography. I want to use my camera every day, but being more realistic, I will use it at a minimum of five days a week.
I want to focus on writing on a more regular basis. I enjoy writing short descriptive pieces, poetry, and Haikus. I will be more focused and write and publish at least once a week.
I want to focus more on mediation. This focus will not only be on daily sitting meditation but also on increasing mindfulness throughout the day.
I want to enjoy my life to the fullest.
The other day we were leaving one of the local Walmarts. I am certain everyone has seen pictures of the creative combinations of clothing people shopping at Walmart wear. So, as we were leaving the parking lot, I spotted an older man wheeling a buggy and entering the store. He was wearing his pajamas. I said to my wife, “Do you think I will ever get old enough to feel comfortable going to Walmart in my pajamas?” After a moment, she said, “I don’ think it has to do with age; I think it has to do with an ‘I don’t give a flip attitude (not quite her words).” After a brief pause, she added; “And, I think you are about there.”
So it will be roaring into “Doing Seventy in the Twenties!”