
Sitting here in the mountains on a January day with the temperature in the high sixties. My mind wanders.

The thoughts they turn to childhood days
Of wishing it would snow,
No school and lunch; sandwich and soup
A fireplace warm, aglow.

Sidewalks, an entrepreneurs delight
As far as the eye could see,
A landscape filled with lots of work
All waiting there for me.

A shovel and a good strong back
Led by a winning heart
Push out the door and down the steps
To earn a fortune I start.

Knock on doors and throw my pitch
A sidewalk safe and clean,
The shovel moves, the snow it flies
Paths reshape the winter scene.

Another job that’s so well done
And coins they do change hands,
Moving on down the street
Executing the financial plan.

Soon a street with sidewalks clean
A tired and aching soul,
But pockets jingling as I walk,
Smiling, I reached my goal.

This entry was posted in Verse.

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