The Crow

I was driving down the highway and saw a crow standing in the middle of my lane. Since it was a four-lane and there was no traffic in the other lane I could easily have switched over to avoid him, but I thought he would fly away as I got closer; they always do. He was eating at something but whatever it was I could not see, so it was very small. At about the last possible minute I switched lanes because it was apparent he was not going to move. As I passed in the left-hand lane, he barely flinched. Curiously I watched in my rearview mirror to see what would happen next. A pickup truck was a bit behind me in the lane where the crow was so engaged. At the last possible minute he also switched lanes and again the crow barely flinched. I was not able to watch any more as I needed to pay attention to the road. I do not know what ultimately happened to the crow.

But I wondered if this was a very brave crow or a very stupid crow? I wondered what, if any, is the difference between the two? What could cause such craving? What could have been so pleasurable to him that he was willing to risk his life? Did he even know he was risking his life? He was not like a deer in headlights, paralyzed and unable to move. He looked up at my car as I passed and then back to what he was doing. I remain mystified.

I will of course never know the answers to these questions. I did however begin to reflect on parallels in my own life. How many times have I stood in the middle of the lane with danger bearing down on me and either believed myself invincible or I just did not care, or did not understand? I know there are more times than I can possibly remember. I believe that in many of the cases I didn’t see or understand the risk involved, but in a many, I just did not care.

What could make a kid, a teen, a young adult and then a man view himself that way? I have spent many years now reflecting on this and have slowly found my answers, my truths.

I spent much of my life believing very lowly of myself. So low that I involved myself with places, people and situations that I would have been better off avoiding. Standing in the middle of the lane with danger bearing down on me. But in truth, all of those may have been better off avoiding me. I also look back and see that even as these things were happening I had many positive things happening as well. I have had access to so many teachers over the years.

As time passes I continue to understand my true nature. I understand how I lived my life defined by what I believed my role to be. I was a character painted into a scene from the imagination of others, framed and hanging on the wall of life.

Today I am no longer a character or in a picture. Live is dynamic and flowing with energy that’s constantly changing. I am dynamic and flowing with energy.

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