
From the darkness I hear a voice,

a sad and small voice, asking for help.

Or, sometimes, cloaked in anger or fear

it shouts and threatens me with weapons,

or images of violence.


And the tears,

from the depths of a soul

that knows no peace,

living in a land of unbelievable richness,

sleeping on a bed of filth,

while the sounds of dealers and gunshots

drown out the peaceful silence of night,

provide a bittersweet release for the

child with an empty stomach,

or a bruised and battered body.


The beautiful children with eyes

wise beyond their years

fill the nightly news.

And, the wonder and curiosity on their faces

as they receive the few minutes of attention

from the “other world,”

as their parent is carted off to the

jail, or the

hostital, or the


and they are left to their world

more frightened than ever,

to make sense of their “reality.”

And the news ends,

and the TV’s go off,

and the “other world” enters

a peaceful night.


Of course the alarms are set

to protect them from the hunger,

and the doors and windows are

shut and locked

to protect them from the spirits

that hunt at night,

hoping to steal what they never had,

knowing not that what they take is not

what they need,

but at best is only a hollow symbol

of what should be theirs by right of birth,

as it is mine and yours.


And the years pass and the talk goes on

in the Great Courts, and

Ivy covered halls of Academia,

by the great minds of the land,

but the children cry

and the children pain

 and the children

(those who live)

grow, twisted and scared,

into adulthood,

to live in the shadow world

of the benevolent society,

always reminded of their “place.”

While politicians legislate, and

judges adjudicate, and

the laws emancipate,

the real world continues to segregate

and mostly

we just procrastinate

dealing with a solution.


It is time to awaken the sleeping giant

and renew the vows that wed

this country to the people who took her

in the name of freedom and democracy,

(not appreciating the irony of their act).


It is time to see our country

not through our eyes, or

their eyes, but

through wise eyes.


It is time to be fair in thought and action.

It is time to be more than fair.

It is time to right the wrongs of the past with

present actions that show we care.


It is time to acknowledge the true wealth of the land

and the true owners of that wealth.


It is time to soothe the cry of the hungry, angry, frightened child,

by honoring that child

and providing the child’s needs,

so that we no longer have to say:



From the darkness I hear a voice,

a sad and small voice asking for help,

Or, sometimes cloaked in anger or fear

it shouts and threatens me with weapons

or images of violence.

I wrote this about twenty years ago after reading Savage Inequalities, By Jonathan Kozol. I still feel much the same as I did then.