Clouds on the mountain ridge
like soft blue blankets
the day awakens
from a gentle sleep.
Rain during the night
has cleaned yesterday
from the canvas
so we may paint anew.
Colors from primal feelings
saturate the brush strokes
as mental images
bring awareness into focus.
Some days the focus turns inward
a search for self, eternal,
while on others the search is outward
looking for answers to arise.
The battle rages
with different degrees of intensity
and the struggle for balance
often seems precarious.
But breath continues
and life goes on
day-to-day episodes
played out in real time.
And at days end
the mountain range stands
strong and seemingly unchanged
but nothing ever remains the same.
In the darkness of night
the cycle continues
and on the morning
a fresh canvas awaits.
Paint with love
paint with passion
paint with justice
know your truths.